Tweetbot For iPad Gets A Major Update With New Graphics And Features
It was only a month ago when Tweetbot finally arrived on the iPad, much to everyone’s surprise. And it proved to be the best Twitter client for the iPad yet.
Today is another huge milestone for Tweetbot for iPad with version 1.2 – it finally has live streaming. That’s right, now you can always keep up with what’s happening on your timeline without ever having to manually refresh. The live streams only work on Wi-Fi, and the Pin to Top feature allows you to remain at the top of the timeline (if you are already at the top). This is a feature that has been long overdue in Tweetbot, and I’m definitely glad to see that it’s finally here. Of course, if live stream is too fast for you, the option to disable it is there as well.
Other changes made their way into the app as well. For one, this update includes the high resolution Retina graphics in preparation for the iPad 3 this Friday. I, for one, can’t wait to see how my favorite Twitter app looks on my new iPad on Friday.
Previously, the “new tweets” sound would apply to all tweets in the timeline. Now, with this update, it’s limited to mentions, DMs, and pull-to-refresh tweets, so you won’t be constantly hearing it with the live streams feature.
Check out the full change log below:
- Retina Graphics for iPad 3rd generation
- Streaming (when on WiFI with settings to disable it)
- The “new tweets” sound is now limited to mentions, DM’s, and new tweets via pull-to-refresh
- Double-tapping on the timeline tab button takes you to last read tweet before going to the top
- Improvements to the Tweetmarker service
- Bug fixes related to direct messages
- Version number updated to 2.1 to match iPhone’s version
- Many other bug fixes
So what are you waiting for? Hit that “Update” button to get this new Tweetbot hotness now! If you don’t have it already, Tweetbot for iPad is a $2.99 download in the App Store.