A Chance To Win A Captain Nova Promo Code With A Retweet Or Comment
April 9, 2012
AppAdvice has teamed up with Caffeinated Pixels in order to offer you a chance to win one of five promo codes for Captain Nova ($0.99) for iPad, iPhone, and iPod touch.
In this retro-style platformer, a mission has gone awry and Captain Nova ends up marooned on an unfamiliar planet. However, the feeling of disparity lifts when Nova is able to locate pieces of his vessel. Hoping to collect them all, reassemble his ship, and return home, this astronaut has a mighty journey ahead of him.
Taking control of Captain Nova, you'll make your way past harmful, cactus looking plants and strange creatures to gather your ship components, silver rings, and useful items strewn across the planet. Some creatures you'll stomp to destroy and others can be utilized to complete your objectives, such as riding the long, yellow critters like moving platforms
One of the items Nova will recover is his jetpack. Used in short bursts, the jetpack allows easier navigation over the terrain and can help maneuver past enemies. To use, do a single "A" button tap to jump, then perform a tap and hold of the "A" button to activate the thrusters. The jetpack's fuel level is indicated by a white bar near the top of the screen.
While a seemingly typical platformer in so many ways, this game has its own unique twist: hidden areas. Walk up to certain walls and an otherwise invisible cavern will appear. Within these sections, you'll find more silver rings and items to collect.
Captain Nova is compatible with iPad, iPhone, and iPod touch running iOS 5.1 or later, and features:
- Exciting pixel graphics
- An original soundtrack
- 30 challenging levels!