A Restful Night Is Priceless, And So Is This Special Giveaway For MotionX Sleep
April 24, 2012
AppAdvice has teamed up with Fullpower-MotionX in order to offer you a chance to download MotionX Sleep for absolutely free.
The idea of being healthy is typically associated with fitness apps filled with workout routines or cookbooks packed with low calorie recipes. However, those aren't the only key elements to a healthy lifestyle. One of the other important factors is a good night's sleep. And, sure enough, there's an app for that as well.
Introducing MotionX Sleep, the app that improves your sleep by monitoring your bedtime behavior and displaying the data in easy to read graphs, motivates you with reminders to stay active and goal progress reports, and helps you begin each day revitalized by waking you up at the proper time in your sleep cycle.
Everything starts with goals. What amount of sleep would you prefer each night? How many steps should you be taking every day? Do you need reminding to get out of your chair every so often for a good stretch and a short walk?
Once you've determined those goals, which you can change later on, the next action is tracking progress. During the day, you can have MotionX Sleep monitor each step you take and even log specific walk durations, as in exercising. At night, sleep cycles are broken down into periods of being awake, in light sleep, and in deep sleep.
You may be wondering, how does MotionX monitor all of this activity? It's a combination of magnetometer, accelerometer, gyroscope, and proximity sensor data processed into usable statistics. Therefore, all it takes is placing your iPhone in a pocket while awake and next to you when in bed to gather data.
Beyond the monitoring and reporting capabilities, MotionX Sleep has another great feature, an intelligent alarm clock. Utilizing your sleep cycle data, the Smart Sleep Cycle Alarm attempts to wake you up during a light sleep period, usually resulting in a less groggy feeling. This is done with a selection of your preferred wake-up time window instead of a static moment.
Here are the feature highlights of MotionX Sleep:
- Home screen with activity overview, including averages
- Sleep and activity goals
- Sleep details with graphs for each night, week, and month
- Optional step counter with graph for each day, week, and month
- Timed walk counter and log
- Daily Almanac
- Smart alarm with snooze, vibrate, and 14 different sounds
- Sharing via Twitter or Facebook
- Quick dial menu with tap and hold to go Home
- Full menu with access to step counter toggle and settings