Camera Dream Turns Your Photos Into Surreal Moments
April 15, 2012
The App Store contains numerous photography apps, some trying to have every feature imaginable and others concentrating on only one or two capabilities. From the makers of King Camera, Camera Dream is one of those which focuses on a single ability, creating the Orton effect.
Pioneered by photographer Michael Orton, the effect's overall result makes scenery and objects appear surreal or dreamy. To create this look, an image is brightened and blurred, in this case, done by increasing the contrast.
Creating new photos with Camera Dream is easy. Either snap a new photo or import one from your photo library. Camera Dream includes a viewfinder grid option and Big Button, a choice to use the entire screen as the shutter button. The import feature is accessible within the Options menu.
Once you've taken or imported your photo, Camera Dream will apply the default Orton effect. A single tap on the screen reverts back to the original parameters, and a tap again will re-apply the effect. Beyond Camera Dream's automation, you can manual adjust saturation, brightness, contrast, shadow, and highlight intensities.
When the photo is to your liking, save it to your iDevice's camera roll or share it via email, Flickr, Facebook post, or tweet. In addition, Camera Dream allows direct sharing to the company's other aforementioned app, King Camera, and third-party apps, such as Color Splash, for further editing. Selectable export preferences include full or medium quality, and choosing to save or discard the original photo.
Camera Dream is a universal app compatible with second generation iPad, third generation iPad, iPhone 3GS, iPhone 4, iPhone 4S, and fourth generation iPod touch running iOS 5.0 or later, and available in the App Store as a free download. Banner ads can be removed via a $0.99 in-app purchase.
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