A Chance To Win App Icons For iPhone And iPad
May 15, 2012
AppAdvice has teamed up with iCandyApps, our latest AppAdvice Daily podcast sponsor, in order to offer you a chance to win one of four promo codes for App Icons ($0.99) for iPhone, iPod touch, and iPad.
Is changing your iDevice wallpaper just not enough any more? Well, thanks to App Icons, it's possible to easily create custom icons for popular applications, phone numbers, and more without ever needing to jailbreak.
App Icons works by creating a shortcut to built-in and popular apps, such as Mail, Safari, YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, and Skype. You can choose the icon background, frame, and decorative image. There are more than 150 total customization choices available, plus the option to use a photo as an icon background and add text. Some of the great built-in selections include a game controller, Facebook "f", Twitter bird, emoticons, television borders, calendars, light bulb, hazard sign, and much more.
Creating each icon is simple. First, select your shortcut type, which include calls, text, emails, or apps. Next, you'll select the app icon background, frame, and decorative image. Mix and match as you desire. Finally, select Done to save your custom icon. If necessary, you can quickly make changes by simply tapping on the icon in the Home area of App Icons.
When you're finished creating custom icons, you can export them to your home screen all at once by tapping on Save. Enabling the icons does require you to install a provision file, a process that's done through Safari and can be reversed. If you decide to stop using the customs icons, the new profile can be removed within iOS Settings --> General --> Profiles.
To have a chance at winning one of two App Icons promo codes, simply retweet this article before 11:59 p.m. PDT tonight (May 15). We will then search the Twitterverse for all of the retweets and randomly choose our lucky winners. The winners will be notified via Twitter, so please be sure to follow us so we can send you your promo code via a direct message.
Non-Twitter users and those of you who want to increase your odds of winning can leave a relevant comment below before 11:59 p.m. PDT tonight to have a chance at winning one of the other two promo codes.
Feel free to participate in the giveaway via either or both methods. Only one entry per person per method is allowed, totaling up to two entries per person if using both.