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New Motherships, Bots And Game Mode Arrive In Flight Control Rocket

May 3, 2012
Flight Control Rocket has just received its first ever update since its launch in mid-March this year. The better, bigger, and faster follow-up to EA and Firemint's Flight Control, Flight Control Rocket brings the path drawing and color matching concept of its earthbound predecessor to the exciting expanse of outer space. It has motherships, bots, and astronomical game modes. The game's first update adds 10 new motherships on which to safely land your ships. Including the Valkyrie, the Deep-Space Angler, the Hawaii, and the Outback, these motherships can be used in all of the game modes. Prior to the update, Flight Control Rocket had only two principal modes, namely, Journey to the End of Infinity and Intergalactic Odyssey. Now, a new mode called Interplanetary Rescue, in which you must save adrift astronauts, is available. In addition to the new motherships and game mode, four new bots are also introduced to help you increase your score. Meet the ship-speeding Swift Swarm, the life-giving Resurrection, the luck-improving Dropper, and the XP-expanding Personal Trainer. Other changes brought about by the update are the three "continues" per game limit, the unlocking of game modes by landing certain numbers of ships, improved responsiveness of leaderboards, and some under-the-hood improvements. Designed for both iPhone and iPad, Flight Control Rocket is available in the App Store for only $0.99. Remember: if at first you don't succeed, fly again.

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Flight Control Rocket
Electronic Arts
Flight Control
Firemint Pty Ltd

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