Create A Lock Screen Shortcut For Any iOS App With This New Jailbreak Tweak
by Joe White
July 26, 2012
Zeus is a brand-new jailbreak tweak that can add a shortcut for any iOS application to an iPad's Lock screen. As you can see in the above image, the Lock screen shortcut takes the place of the slideshow icon, which sits in the bottom-right corner of the iPad's Lock screen. Since a lot of people (including myself) probably don't use the iPad's slideshow button on a regular basis, it makes sense for jailbreakers to replace it with something more useful - like Tweetbot, for example.
Once downloaded and installed, users can decide on the stock or third-party application they want to add a shortcut for to the Lock screen. If you need help deciding, be sure to also check out App Stat, which provides users will information on their most-used iOS apps.
Zeus fits the application icon right into the bottom-left corner, completely overtaking the slideshow icon, and the resulting effect is good. The only downside to the tweak is, as iDownloadBlog notes, that its developer is charging users one dollar for the package. Of course, there's nothing at all wrong with a developer charging a price for his app or tweak, but the state of Cydia at the minute means that we'll probably see a similar, free package that does the same thing launch in the near future. A lot of developers are making simple tweaks like this one available without a price-tag, which is great for users. But it also makes it harder for other jailbreak devs to charge even a small price for similar items.
If you want to take Zeus for a spin, you can find it for one dollar over in Cydia's ZodTTD & MacCiti repository. Enjoy!
Source: iDownloadBlog