And Here To Introduce The New Yorker For iPhone Are Some Mad Men And Girls!
August 8, 2012
Almost two years after its launch on the iPad, The New Yorker Magazine is now available on the iPhone. Finally.
"We've finally figured out how to take the weekly print edition of The New Yorker and fold it down to a three-inch size that fits inside your iPhone," announces The New Yorker. "Our new app has every story, every cartoon, every em dash, every illustration, and the new issue is available each Monday."
The New Yorker is one of my favorite magazines, and I'm so delighted that I can now pick it up on my iPhone as well as on my iPad. And I'm doubly delighted that no great content is left out in the well-regarded magazine's adaptation to the iPhone — to say nothing of the retention of every em dash during the transition.
If you can't see the video embedded above, please click here.
The New Yorker Magazine for iPhone is quite easy to use. But should you need any help figuring it out, just watch the quirky introductory video above.
The video features three actors from two of my favorite TV shows: Lena Dunham and Alex Karpovsky from "Girls" and Jon Hamm from "Mad Men." Directed by Dunham herself, the video is rather amusing. But it's clearly not as funny as the introductory video for the iPad version starring Jason Schwartzman, which you can watch below.
If you can't see the video embedded above, please click here.
The New York Magazine for iPad and iPhone is available as a free Newsstand app in the App Store. One-month and one-year auto-renewable subscriptions are offered in the app for $5.99 and $59.99, respectively. But if you download the app on your iPhone now, you can get the current issue for absolutely free.