Armor Up Your iPad 2 For Back To School By Winning A Ballistic Tough Jacket
August 16, 2012
AppAdvice has teamed up with the Ballistic Case Company in order to offer you a chance to win a Tough Jacket ($69.99) for the second generation iPad.
Going back to school involves a lot of things, one of them being supply acquisition. Typically, supplies would mean pens, pencils, notebooks, folders, and a calculator, and/or really useful apps. However, there is another item that may be just as important: the iPad case.
Whether the iPad shares space with physical supplies or consists of your entire knowledge gaining arsenal, it deserves to be protected. What better way to do that than with a Tough Jacket? I'm thinking a Tough Jacket for free. Agreed? Good. So, let's get you introduced.
Ballistic's Tough Jacket features one layer of silicon, one of impact resistant plastic, and one of shock absorbent polymer for "protection you don’t have to think twice about." Not only do all three layers come together to create a nearly impenetrable barrier, but they also form Ballistic Corners for extra impact cushion.
In addition, the case is packaged with a removable screen cover, although, it's not a necessity since the Tough Jacket has a raised front edge to protect the screen. What's even better? The cover can be attached to the rear of Tough Jacket to create a stand.
To have a chance at winning the Ballistic Tough Jacket case for iPad 2, leave a comment below telling us which color, black or red, you'd prefer before August 17 at 11:59 p.m. PDT. Only one entry per person is allowed. Please be sure to also check your junk email boxes so that you won’t miss out if you win.
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