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Sally Park Lets You Forget Where You Parked Without Losing Your Car

Sally Park Lets You Forget Where You Parked Without Losing Your Car

August 27, 2012
Sally Park ~ Park stress-free by Azurcoding icon

Sally Park ~ Park stress-free ($0.99) by Azurcoding is a convenient parking app that will help you remember when you parked, where you parked, and how long you have before the meter maid slaps you with a $48 parking ticket. If you’ve ever forgotten where you parked, this app will save your tired feet some unnecessary walking.

Sally Park ~ Park stress-free by Azurcoding screenshot

This app is so easy to use it is ridiculous. All you have to do is open the app and tap the big “Park” button. The app will automatically drop a pin at that location. You can head out to that rock concert with complete confidence that you’ll still be able to find your car in the dark when the concert is over.

The app will tell you how many feet you are from your car. If you need more help, you can tap the map to see the best route to get to your car.

If you want a little more from your parking experience, have no fear. Sally Park also includes a timer to remind you of when your meter is about to run out. You can set it for between one minute and two hours and forty minutes. You will get a reminder when you have five minutes left and an alert when your meter has expired.

Users can also take a picture of where they are parked with this app and write a note to help remind them of where their car is. If you park in a six-floor parking garage, you can snap a quick picture of your car and the surroundings and write a note to remind you that you parked on the third floor near the stairwell. This will make things a lot easier for you when you get back from a business trip and can’t remember where you parked your car in that giant airport parking structure.

This is a very useful and convenient app. The fact that it is so simple to use makes it a great buy for anyone with a car. We’ve all forgotten where we parked at least one time in our lives. Sally Park will make sure that never happens again.

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Sally Park ~ Park stress-free
Sally Park ~ Park stress-free