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Battle It Out With The Laws Of Physics In Isaac Newton's Gravity 2

September 13, 2012
An obviously named physics-based puzzle game, the original Isaac Newton's Gravity was released to the App Store nearly three years ago. The game was a success with very positive reviews, although, it hasn't been extremely popular because of whimsical games like Cut the Rope and Angry Birds. Nevertheless, Namco Bandai has decided to pump out a sequel, Isaac Newton's Gravity 2. More laboratory-style than the other physics games, Isaac Newton's Gravity 2 is strictly about finishing the puzzle. That's not the actual objective, however, it will result in completing the task, which is to push the red button in each level using a ball, marble, etc. Along with spherical objects, you'll also utilize beams, Pinball-style bumpers, trampolines, magnets, seesaws, wedges, ramps, and more. Each level has a fairly specific solution, but that doesn't mean there aren't slightly different ways to solve it. The general concept is to use only the items in the objects bin, accessed at the top-left, and then place them in the working area to cause one of the objects or the catalyst metal ball to press the red button. Published as a freemium game, Isaac Newton's Gravity 2 includes 110 total levels, a custom level creator, and Game Center integration. The first group of 10 levels, three Level Skip cards, and 50 Hint Points are provided at no cost. The other 100 puzzles are separated into two packs for $0.99 each. Isaac Newton's Gravity 2 is a universal app compatible with iPad, second generation iPod, third generation iPad, Phone 3GS, iPhone 4, iPhone 4S, 32GB and 64GB third generation iPod touch, fourth generation iPod touch and newer running iOS 3.2 or later, and available in the App Store as a free download. [gallery link="file" columns="4"]

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