Wunderlist 2.0 To Arrive As Brand New App, As Wunderkit To Exit
September 6, 2012
Developers, like many of us, sometimes find it difficult to admit when they did something wrong. In the case of 6Wunderkinder, however, admitting a mistake may make the company better, and their customers much happier.
Seven months after Wunderkit was released, its creators have decided to throw in the towel on the organizing app. Instead, the company will concentrate on making their best-selling Wunderlist app better than ever.
In an upbeat, and at times reflective message on their website, 6Wunderkinder explains why they’ve decided to stop supporting Wunderkit, and what that decision means to Wunderlist.
Of Wunderkit, which first launched in February, they state:
The magic of Wunderlist was missing and engagement was not meeting our expectations. We simply weren’t getting the traction we wanted. What’s more you, our users, started to raise concerns.6Wunderkinder recognized that as they poured resources into Wunderkit, “our users and team were growing increasingly frustrated with Wunderkit and the lack of updates to Wunderlist.” And upsetting Wunderlist customers isn’t something the company could keep doing. After all, three million users are now using the application across PC, Mac, and mobile devices. Now those users will be rewarded with the upcoming release of Wunderlist 2.0. Soon to enter beta testing, the new version of Wunderlist will “combine the very best features of Wunderlist and Wunderkit, along with some of the most requested features according to you, our community.” In addition, the company will:
… move from Titanium to completely rewritten native applications on all platforms that sync with a brand new cloud service in the backend. Allowing us to bring Wunderlist to a stage where we can accurately scale and release new product updates every four to eight weeks.We’ve excited to see what 6Wunderlist has cooked up and hope to join their Wunderlist 2.0 beta. When we do, we’ll let you know what we find out. In the meantime, Wunderlist remains available in the App Store for the iPhone/iPod touch and iPad, and in the Mac App Store. Wunderkit, which isn’t expected to leave the App Store anytime soon is also available for the iPhone and iPad.