Gem Matching Game Directional Sets Off In A Whole New 'Timeless' Direction
November 7, 2012
Half a year after it debuted in the App Store, the "directional" gem matching iPhone game Directional has finally been matched with its first major update.
This new update brings several minor improvements including: a new play screen, an updated leaderboard screen, updated instructions, iPhone 5 bug fixes, iOS 6 tweaks, and some small graphic updates.
But the meat of the update is doubtless the addition of a new game mode called limited moves mode.
Limited moves mode joins the two original game modes of Directional, namely, classic mode and expert mode.
Classic mode and expert mode are both played under time pressure, with allotted time variations of 30, 60, and 120 seconds.
The main difference between the two lies in the fact that new gems in classic mode come from a fixed corner while new gems in expert mode come from random corners.
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New gems in the new limited moves mode also come from random corners. But like neither of the two original modes, limited moves mode is not timed.
Rather, as its name clearly suggests, the new mode is limited by the number of moves you can make before the game is ended. It has 20 moves, 50 moves, and 100 moves versions.
The idea in limited moves mode is to get as many points as you can given the limited number of moves you've chosen.
Of course, as in the classic and expert modes, you also have to tap and swipe in the direction of the gems in limited moves mode in order to clear them off the board. Otherwise, it's not a Directional game mode after all, isn't it?
Designed for iPhone, but not yet optimized for iPhone 5, Directional is available in the App Store for $0.99.
Along with the aforementioned add-ons, three new Game Center leaderboards for limited moves mode and six new Game Center achievements are included in the updated game.
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