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Quirky App Of The Day: Doomsday Preppers Get Ready For The Big Day

Quirky App Of The Day: Doomsday Preppers Get Ready For The Big Day

November 26, 2012
Forget the apocalypse happening sometime in the future. It's happening right now. There are people outside of your house seeking refuge and building a bunker beneath your feet floor by floor. We're digging out our safety in the old school Cold War style. While the effectiveness of a bunker might be a fun debate, the game takes them pretty seriously. Doomsday Preppers is a game to build up your stores and prepare yourself against the calamities that might befall us.   These preppers aren't happy with just having a small stash of food or a few extra clothes hanging around. They are fully invested in self reliance. They're building dairies beneath the ground and have their own dental office. You never know when you'll need a root canal. Each floor lets you build and prepare certain goods. Once the goods are ready, you can sell them for gold.  We're beyond using money now. We're back to the gold barter system. With the gold that you earn, you can buy more floors to keep producing more goods. Don't forget to buy more living space so that you can house more people. Everyone has a job to do in the bunker, and more people means more goods to sell. While it's tempting to write off everyone who's a Doomsday predictor, there's a television show called Doomsday Preppers about real people who are preparing for the world to end. No, it doesn't involve the Mayan calendar. These people believe that economic ruin or natural disasters are going to take us out as a society. It's fun to get things going and organized in an effort to run an efficient bunker. With all the gas mask people running around, I want to look at them and ask, "Are you my mummy?" It's a Doctor Who thing. Doomsday Preppers is available in the App Store for the awesome price of FREE! [gallery link="file"]

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Doomsday Preppers™
Doomsday Preppers™
G5 Entertainment

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