You'll Soon Stop Snoozin' Once You Start Usin' iSleepin
November 15, 2012
I've finally found the perfect alarm clock for me! And if, like me, you're in the habit of repeatedly snoozing alarms until you realize you've overslept, this might also be the perfect alarm for you. Ladies and gentle-snoozers, prepare to meet your match: iSleepin.
The debut app from Everlasting Applications, iSleepin is a neat, new alarm clock app that helps ensure you wake up on time through a series of challenging games. Challenging to the sleepy and the sleep-deprived, that is.
With iSleepin, every time your alarm goes off, you have to solve one of the fun games included in the app.
The games you have to play before you can stop or snooze the alarm include math equations, mazes, jigsaw puzzles, and connect-the-dots.
Note that every time you snooze the alarm, the more difficult the next game becomes. If you hate solving puzzles and suchlike, especially when all you want to do is sleep, then you can expect to wake up on time more often with iSleepin.
Designed for iPhone and already optimized for iPhone 5, iSleepin is available now in the App Store for $0.99. A lite version of the app is also available for free, but it's limited to the math snooze game only and it doesn't support unlimited alarms and iPod music alerts, among others pro features.
Note, too, that it's recommended that you keep iSleepin open and your screen awake while you sleep in order to take full advantage of the app's functionality. Don't worry: the app comes with a built-in brightness setting, so you can always dim your screen to save battery.
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