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Apple Recently Sent A Gift Few Of Us Knew About

December 6, 2012
Its arrival didn’t come with a flashy headline, nor was there a “special event” held in its honor. However, Apple did release something quite special in recent days. The first app ever to grace the App Store, the freebie Remote, received an update recently. Though we and other sites covered this, it was Macworld that dug the deepest in explaining the app’s newest features. Remote 3.0 is a significant update. It includes a number of new features including the ability to connect to iTunes or Apple TV libraries via Home Sharing. You can also use it to control content playback, create and edit playlists, or tap into other shared music libraries. It also can trigger the iTunes visualizer, and create Genius playlists. The free app also includes iTunes 11’s new Up Next feature. This allows users to create live playlists on the fly, which is something that I have found quite useful. If you’re using iTunes and have an iPhone/iPod touch or iPad, you should definitely give Remote 3.0 a spin. It is available for download in the App Store. Source: Macworld

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