New App.net Client Riposte Does Lots More Than Reposts
January 22, 2013
There's a new App.net client in iOS town, and it's called Riposte.
Riposte is touted as not just a "cobbled-together rewrite" of an old Twitter app. Ooh, hear that, Netbot aka Tweetbot for App.net?
As such, Riposte is said to be designed specifically for App.net, complete with native support for stream marker, interactions, and other features of the premium Twitter-like social network.
Riposte also boasts a number of other features including: full-screen view, single-thumb navigation, interactive push notifications, 1Password support, and VoiceOver integration.
In addition, it offers a neat option for hiding "hop-ons," that is, hiding replies from users who aren't part of the main thread in conversations.
Released just a couple of days ago, Riposte has already received its first significant update mere hours ago. The update delivers some fixes plus the following improvements:
Optimized for iPhone and iPod touch running iOS 6.0 or later, Riposte is available now in the App Store for $4.99. [gallery link="file" order="DESC"]
- Added new Riposte Link Shortening Service. When pasting links into a post, if they're a little too long, tap the link shortener button and they'll get replaced with short URLs. Added Readability for saving links to read later.
- Added option to choose between Instapaper and Readability mobilizers in web views.
- Added option to disable landscape orientation in web views.
- Email nicely-formatted conversations. They're a nearly-exact replica of the Riposte conversation view, so you can share them exactly as you read them.
- Removed the "@" from usernames if the username display setting is enabled. It's much easier to read this way (thanks @dwineman).