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The Newest Gadget From Photojojo Brings A Real Viewfinder To The iPhone

January 22, 2013
If you haven’t already noticed, we really like Photojojo here at AppAdvice. The company designs unique and interesting photography accessories for iOS devices. While we already told you about the retro-inspired iPhone Trigger Cable that helps eliminate camera shake, the iPhone Viewfinder is designed for use in bright-light situations. And if the name and photo didn’t tip you off, the viewfinder attaches directly to the iPhone’s screen to become an eyepiece just like on real cameras. In conjunction with the free Daylight Viewfinder app that can be downloaded from the App Store now, shutterbugs should have no problem at all framing that perfect shot. The suction pad that attaches the viewfinder to the screen leaves no mess or residue when removed. You can snag the iPhone Viewfinder for $30 directly from Photojojo. Shipping to U.S. addresses starts at $2.50. But if you order more than $50 of merchandise, shipping is free. Along with the iPhone 5 and 4/4S, the viewfinder is compatible with the iPad 2 and up as well as the iPad mini. What do you think about the iPhone Viewfinder? While I like the idea, I just don't know if I would remember to haul the accessory with me when I'd really need to use it.

Mentioned apps

Daylight Viewfinder
Sig Innovations LLC

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