Percy And Francis Are Back With Bigger And Better Guns In Gun Bros 2
February 22, 2013
Everyone's favorite gun-toting brothers are back.
I'm talking, of course, about Percy and Francis, the title characters in Glu Games' popular Gun Bros game. And they've returned in the much-awaited sequel called (what else?) Gun Bros 2:
Untold years after the first T.O.O.L. wars, the Tyrannical Oppressors Of Life have returned to finish the job. Only the Freakishly Rugged Advanced Genetics Galactic Enforcement Division (F.R.A.G.G.E.D) agents Percy and Francis Gun stand in their way. Armed with a new array of highly advanced and ridiculously destructive weapons, the Gun Bros are once again defending the galaxy from the T.O.O.L. insurgency.If you can't see the video embedded above, please click here. First and foremost, Gun Bros 2 features new guns and mods. Gun Bros 2's weaponry ranges from pistols and rocket launchers to lasers and shotguns. On these weapons you can strap mods to equip yourself with additional fire mods. You can play Gun Bros 2 in different game modes, including Campaign mode, Arcade mode, and Endless mode. The last-mentioned mode, in particular, lets you gun down hordes of T.O.O.L enemies with your Game Center friends. Gun Bros 2 is available now in the App Store for free. According to Glu Games, the game is optimized for the iPhone 5 and the third- and fourth-generation iPad. It doesn't support the iPhone 3GS, fourth-generation iPod touch, and first-generation iPad. [gallery link="file" order="DESC"]