Updated Twitter App Brings Changes To Search And Discover
by Brent Dirks
February 6, 2013
Twitter has just announced an updated version of its official iOS app.
And the update looks to be fairly big. There are four main areas with improvements. First, all content in the Discover part of the app, including Tweets, Activity, Trends, and suggestions of who to follow, will appear as a single stream on the iPhone.
On the search side, results will now show the most relevant mix of tweets, photos, and accounts all in one stream. Users can now also search anywhere in the app by hitting the magnifying glass next to the compose a tweet button.
In the Connect tab, the default view will now show new followers, retweets, and mentions. Previously, the default view would only be mentions, but users can adjust that setting.
With links, a user can click a URL in a tweet to go straight to the website from any timeline.
Twitter is a universal app designed for both the iPhone/iPod touch and iPad. It can be downloaded in the App Store for free now.