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WordPress For iOS Now Equipped With Draft Previews And Autosave Feature

February 22, 2013
Just a little over a couple of weeks after its last, WordPress for iOS has already received another update. The previous update delivered, most notably, push notification support for the app's various functions. This time, the app's latest update brings a couple of useful features: draft previews and autosave. Draft previews, of course, allow you to see how your posts look like before you publish them. In the new version of WordPress for iOS, you can do just that by tapping the preview eye icon while drafting your post. Autosave, for its part, ensures that you never lose a draft again while you're composing a post on your iDevice. Now, as you type your post, an unobtrusive "Autosave" message appears, indicating that your draft as it stands has been saved. Autosaving takes place locally at first, but is carried over online to your WordPress site as soon as possible. Compatible with iPhone, iPod touch, and iPad running iOS 5.0 or later, the new version of WordPress for iOS is available now in the App Store for free. Along with the obligatory bug fixes, the newly updated app also includes improvements for and Jetpack notifications. Rich text editing, improved media management, and external app interoperability are among the new features said to be underway for the next version of the app. [gallery link="file" order="DESC"]

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