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Givit Video Editor Goes Social With Its Biggest Update Yet

March 11, 2013
The easy-to-use video editing and sharing app Givit seems to have a lot to give in its new 3.0 update. Yup, Givit 3.0 is here, and it brings a number of major improvements. For starters, the update delivers a brand spankin' new user interface. It's cleaner, faster, and more enjoyable. And as expected, it also makes video editing and sharing easier. The new interface also offers a "hearty" section dedication to all of your favorites, that is, all of the videos you've liked in Givit. But undoubtedly the star of Givit 3.0 is the new Givit Video Stream. The Givit team has the lowdown on this new social feature:
That's right, Givit has gone social! Now you can share your masterpieces to Givit so others can be inspired by your talent. Watch new and exciting videos from people and subjects that interest you by following friends or topics. We'll even tell you when new videos arrive. Got a few minutes left in the day and want to laugh, cry, be amazed or inspired? Discover new videos with Givit’s Popular feed or browse trending Categories. Comment on videos and show some love by liking what other stars in the Givit community are creating.
Also introduced in Givit 3.0 are other social features, including options to manage whom you follow, see who follows you, and explore their videos. You can now also type a name or email address in the social search box to invite your friends if they haven't joined Givit yet. Optimized for iPhone and iPod touch running iOS 6.0 or later, Givit 3.0 is available in the App Store for free. So, give it up for Givit and download it now. Also, make sure to stay tuned to AppAdvice for Robin's video recap of Givit 3.0, which she edited and uploaded straight from SXSW 2013 using Givit, of course. Actually, you can already watch it right now in the Givit Video Stream. [gallery link="file" order="DESC"]

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Givit Video Editor

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