Here's Your Chance To Win Nameless: The Hackers Or A $25 iTunes Gift Card
March 18, 2013
AppAdvice has teamed up with BoxCat, our latest AppAdvice Daily podcast sponsor, in order to offer you a chance to win a copy of Nameless: The Hackers ($1.99) for iPhone and iPod touch or up to $25 in iTunes Store credit!
A vital informant has gone into hiding, and it's up to you and your team of Nameless Hackers to piece together the trail of information she has left behind before the entire world is compromised in this role-playing adventure game.
You'll need to go head-to-head with powerful enemies in epic turn-based battles to get to the bottom of this conspiracy. In order to win, you'll need to pay close attention to your enemy's strengths and weaknesses to know when to attack and defend. You won't have to go at it alone, however, as you can utilize different characters during battle to counter your enemy's attacks.
More than 45 original cutscenes will help progress the story and fill in the missing pieces. You'll also have the opportunity to decide your fate based on how you respond in one-on-one conversations. Collect InfoCards along the way to pad your stats and tell your own back story.
The game includes 10 original custom drawn characters, 20 different upgradable skills, main and side quests, 30 original music tracks, 65 InfoCards to collect, and additional end-game content as a reward for making it through the more than 12 hours of gameplay.
Since we have multiple prizes to give away, we also needed to have multiple ways to win.
So here's what we're giving away:
- 50 copies of Nameless: The Hackers
- 10 $10 iTunes Gift Cards
- 1 $25 iTunes Gift Card
And here's how to participate:
Use the widget below to like BoxCat's Facebook page, follow them on Twitter, share the giveaway via Facebook and Twitter, and subscribe to BoxCat's YouTube page.
If you're counting, that's a total of five different ways to participate. Each action will provide you with a single entry, so the more you do the greater your chance of winning. The contest ends in a few weeks, so feel free to share it with friends and family. Good luck!