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Cydia Tweak: Ask Assistant Sets Activator Actions For Siri Commands

Cydia Tweak: Ask Assistant Sets Activator Actions For Siri Commands

April 16, 2013
A new jailbreak tweak called Ask Assistant allows users to configure Activator actions for specific Siri commands. This makes it possible for jailbreakers to ask the "virtual personal assistant" a series of questions without actually having to speak. Simply install the jailbreak tweak via the Cydia Store (Ask Assistant is currently available for free), and from within the Settings app, users will be able to assign Activator actions to five configurable Siri questions. Upon performing the set action - such as a tapping the iPhone's status bar, for example - Siri will then launch with the preconfigured enquiry already asked. This makes asking common questions such as "What's the weather like?" quicker and easier. For more information on Ask Assistant, including configuration instructions, take a look at the video walkthrough embedded below. As mentioned, the new jailbreak tweak is available to download for free in the Cydia Store, via the BigBoss repository.

If you can't see the above video, please click this link.

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