Jack Dorsey Champions Apple's iWatch Concept Over Google Glass
by Joe White
April 30, 2013
As co-founder of Twitter and CEO of Square, Jack Dorsey knows a thing or two about the consumer electronics industry. Interestingly, however, when asked for his thoughts on Google Glass, Dorsey recently questioned the overall value of the product. Instead, he feels that wristwatch-style devices - such as Apple's long-rumored iWatch - are more wearable, more valuable to the customer, and therefore have a more favorable prospect at present than Google's futuristic Project Glass.
His opinion was given in an interview with The New York Times:
“I don’t think glasses are the answer. I think it might be a 10-year answer, but not in the next five years. Maybe if they’re in sunglasses or what not. I think the movement you see around Fitbit, Up and FuelBand, that seems to be the next step in wearable. So something on the wrist that feels natural, almost feels a bit like jewelry. Glasses are very compelling and I think it’s an amazing technology, but I just can’t imagine my mom wearing them right now. What is the value of Glass?”When asked if he had Apple's rumored iWatch specifically in mind, however, Dorsey continued:
”(Laughs.) I don’t know, I think there’s a lot going on. The Pebble watch I think is pretty compelling as well.”Another big difference between the anticipated iWatch and Google Glass, of course, will be the price. While Glass devices will set users back somewhere in the region of $1,500 per pair, analysts predict a more affordable price of between $200-300 for an iWatch, presumably depending on model. With Apple's WWDC 2013 announced and scheduled for June 10-14, an iWatch announcement could be just around the corner. Do you agree with Dorsey's comments?