Clear App Developer Unveils New Application, Analog Camera
by Joe White
May 14, 2013
Realmac Software, developer of the popular to-do application Clear, has a new app in the works. Called Analog Camera, the camera app for the iPhone and iPod touch promises to offer users a simple, "clear," and uncluttered interface, along with seamless social network integration.
If you're not familiar with Clear, the app made a huge impression on iDevice owners when it launched earlier this year, and as such it wouldn't be outlandish to have ultra-high hopes for Realmac Software's forthcoming camera application. While little is known about the app itself, in an interview with Realmac Software's Dan Counsell, TechCrunch outlines the reasons behind the developer's decision to work on an all-new camera application:
It seems like most of the current popular photo apps are competing on features, they keep cramming more and more into them to try and outdo each other. In doing this they have become overly complex and confusing for new users. Camera apps should be fun to use with a minimal interface that just stays out of the way allowing the user to focus on what really matters, their photos.Besides an impressive, elegant user interface, features of Analog Camera will include Facebook and Twitter integration, along with the ability to share one's digital photographs to Instagram, Path, Evernote, the Photos app, or by email. Analog Camera is set to debut in the App Store later this month, though a preview video of the application hit the Web earlier today. Take a look and see what you think:
If you can't see the above video, please click this link.
Excited? I'll bet. We'll let you know once Analog Camera launches in the App Store. In the meantime, for further app related news, see: Philips Hue For iOS Updated: Adds Geofencing, Customization Options And More, Movie Ticketing App Fandango Now Lets You Share With Your Google+ Circles, and Watch Out, Square And PayPal: Groupon Officially Launches Breadcrumb POS.