Enter The 'Best Bobble Contest' And Show Off Your Figurine Modeling Skills
May 12, 2013
AppAdvice has once again teamed up with the BobbleShop to offer you a chance to win something great. However, this isn't our normal app giveaway app because life is more fun when things are shaken up sometimes. Instead, it's a contest of who can create the best celebrity lookalike bobbles for an opportunity to be in the spotlight and a snazzy t-shirt.
Begin by choosing a subject. The only selection stipulation being that the person or persons must be a celebrity actor, actress, musician, athlete, or otherwise famous, such as Isaac Newton. Need some inspiration? Check out the Popular Bobbles section in-app and online Bobble Gallery.
Up next is the construction stage. So, now launch the Bobbleshop app. If you don't see the happy bobble head icon, there's no need to get anxious. For a limited time, the app's price has taken a satisfying plunge.
When you have everything up and running, it's time to start modeling. Anyone already familiar with the tools may skip ahead, otherwise, read on and I'll provide a brief overview of the workshop.
The process begins with a nearly naked bobble head doll in which you add and modify features and items from virtual drawers. For example, when you tap on the mid-head area, drawers open with options for the eye sockets, eye balls, iris, eye brows, eye wrinkles, eye shadow, and glasses. While automatically aligned and sized, items can be moved, stretched, compacted, as well as reduced in visual boldness with adjustable opacity to create that perfect resemblance.
At last, your bobble head is complete and ready for distribution. To submit the wobbly head figure for consideration as Best Bobble, upload it to the Bobble Gallery by tapping the share menu button in the top-left of the screen and select Post to myBobbleShop.
The Best Bobble Contest opens today and ends Friday, May 24. Any number of entries are allowed as long as they follow the guidelines. Winners will be announced Memorial Day weekend and chosen based upon likeness, design, creativity, and popularity.
In addition, participants could receive an exclusively awesome BobbleShop t-shirt like one shown below.