For Some Reason, Apple Says No To Sticker Gifting In Messaging App Line
May 10, 2013
Just hours after announcing that it made $17 million during Q1 2013 from its in-app sticker shop alone, Line has just announced that it has removed a key function from the selfsame shop in its namesake messaging app. And that function is the one that allows iPhone users to send premium stickers as gifts to friends.
"We received a request directly from Apple who operates the App Store," says Line in a blog post, "that this sticker gifting function will have to be withdrawn from the app, and we do apologize for the disappointment this may cause to all of you who are having fun sending stickers as gifts to your friends."
As noted by The Next Web, which first reported on Line's announcement, this also removes users' ability to purchase the virtual coins that are necessary to carry out the gifting function.
It's this use of virtual currency that may have led to Apple's decision to restrict Line from offering the gifting function. Apple's rules governing in-app purchases, which call for a certain revenue cut out of any transaction, may have been bypassed by this use.
Line notes, however, that iPhone users can still send free stickers as gifts as well as purchase stickers for themselves (a function that doesn't require virtual currency). In addition, they are still able to receive stickers as gifts from Line users on Android.
Optimized for iPhone and iPod touch, Line for iOS is available in the App Store for free.
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