Join The King's Empire For A Chance To Win A $10 iTunes Gift Card
May 29, 2013
AppAdvice has teamed up with Tap4Fun, our latest AppAdvice Daily podcast sponsor, in order to offer you a chance to win a $10 iTunes Gift Card. The gift card can be used to obtain gems in Tap4Fun's King's Empire Deluxe, a free strategy game designed for iPhone, iPod touch, and iPad. You can also use whatever is left over on anything else in the App Store!
For the past century, the kingdom has been pummeled into ruins by merciless invaders, but now it is time for change. Become the leader you were destined to be and rebuild the kingdom in this massive multiplayer online strategy game.
To restore the empire to its former glory, you'll need to build and rebuild structures, collect and trade resources, research technologies and enhance your civilization, as well as forge alliances. The road ahead will be difficult, however, plenty of tools exist to aid your journey. The game includes the ability to manage multiple cities, real-time chat, many rewarding quests, and achievements via Game Center.
To have a chance at randomly winning one of our three $10 iTunes Gift Cards, just leave a comment below telling us what kind of ruler you would be. All entries must be received before May 30 at 11:59 p.m. PDT. Only one entry per person is allowed. Remember to also check your junk email box when the giveaway is over!