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Private Messaging Finally Kicks In For Popular Video-Sharing App Keek

Private Messaging Finally Kicks In For Popular Video-Sharing App Keek

May 19, 2013
Keek has just kicked off a brand new feature. The erstwhile "Twitter for video" app (that title now belongs to Twitter's Vine, right?) has been updated to version 3.0. And Keek 3.0 brings support for private messaging. With this new feature, you can now chat with your Keek friends. And you can do so with instant text or video messages. Keek's private messaging feature lets you engage in one-on-one conversations or in a group chat with up to 36 participants. (Of course, the significance of that number won't be lost on you if you've used Keek at least once: the app lets you record and share videos of up to 36 seconds each.) Keek 3.0 also brings the ability to share a user's profile via SMS or email, plus the following improvements:
  • Minor UI enhancements
  • Fixed a crash that occurred while signing up or logging in with Twitter that affected users using multiple Twitter accounts
  • Fixed a crash that occurred while signing up or logging in with Twitter after a you revoke Keek access permissions via
  • Miscellaneous bug fixes
Optimized for iPhone and iPod touch, Keek 3.0 is available now in the App Store for free. [gallery link="file" order="DESC"]

Mentioned apps

Keek Inc.
Vine Labs, Inc.

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