Felix For App.net Takes A Big Step Forward With iPhone Update, New iPad App
by Brent Dirks
June 3, 2013
One of the best App.net clients for iOS devices, Felix, has taken a big step forward today. Along with a major update for the iPhone version, developer tigerbears has introduced an iPad-specific edition of the app.
First up, the iPad version is sporting a new interface optimized for the tablet’s larger screen. Its navigation puck is designed for gesture-friendly interactions.
The movable, translucent posting interface also lets users keep track of what’s going on while composing. And just like the version for the smaller iPhone screen, users can choose from three color themes, nine font families, six font sizes, and nine notification sound choices to customize their experience.
Version 2.0 of the iPhone client has also received a major overhaul. Along with a revamped user interface, the new Explore tab features the global stream, photos, check-ins, conversations, and trending.
A reorganized dashboard also gives users quick access to information. And along with an improved user bio updating mechanism, the app features improved behavior when editing text before links in posts.
With an eye on the future, the update also boasts major internal architecture changes that will allow for new features down the road.
The iPhone edition of Felix for App.net is available now in the App Store and can be downloaded for free. The new iPad/iPad mini client can be downloaded for $4.99.
Arriving in the App Store in September, our own Christine Chan was very positive about the app in her original review. An update in April added support for multiple accounts and other features.
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