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Google Drive For iOS Now Includes Swiping And Comment Features

Google Drive For iOS Now Includes Swiping And Comment Features

June 3, 2013
Google has released another new update for its native Drive app for iOS. Google Drive 1.4 is available now in the App Store. The Drive app now allows users to browse through images on the iPhone/iPod touch by simply swiping them. The update also includes comment support for Google Docs files. This means that you can now view, create, reply to, and resolve comments directly from the app. Last month, Google unified the free storage options for Gmail, Google+ photos, and Drive. Users of the three services now get 15GB of storage, instead of 10GB. In April, Google added a landscape mode to Drive while editing documents and spreadsheets. It also included load time improvements, and quicker editing support. Google Drive for Android still has some features not yet available in iOS. These include a new card-style view, quick preview, OCR document scanning, file downloads, and more. The free Google Drive app is available for download here.

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Google Drive
Google Drive
Google, Inc.

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