New Nokia TV Advertisement Paints iPhone Users As Zombies
by Brent Dirks
June 21, 2013
Uh oh. I’ve got some bad news for iPhone users. At least according to a new television commercial from Nokia, we’re all zombies.
Here’s the spot in question. Click here if you can’t see it.
The ad is supposedly touting the low-light photo capabilities of the company’s new Lumia 925 handset running Windows Phone 8. But Nokia seems to want to spend most of its time making fun of iPhone owners instead of touting its own product.
Who in their right mind (real zombies not included) would want to buy the Lumia 925 after seeing this commercial? We barely even get to see the handset in question.
The least Nokia could do is make the zombies look scary. Even Microsoft's recent Windows Phone ad (for a Nokia phone) was actually funny.
And while I thought Samsung’s most recent Apple-bashing ads were senseless, at least the company is turning a huge profit and has some money to burn. On the other hand, Nokia is taking on water fast, and contributed absolutely no profit to the smartphone market in the previous quarter.