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Shelf Control: Take Part In The To This Day Project And Take A Stand Against Bullying

June 3, 2013
In yesterday's AppAdvice The Week in Review, my colleague Bryan mentioned that his favorite app right now is a new iPad education app called To This Day. Upon his recommendation, I took a look at the app. And I was so impressed by it that here I am now, recommending To This Day myself with its own spot on Shelf Control. Part of the To This Day project, the To This Day app is based on the anti-bullying-themed spoken word poem of the same name, written and performed by Canadian poet Shane Koyczan. You may have already heard of the poem when an animated video built around it went viral last February, garnering over 4 million views on YouTube within a week of its posting. (The video now has more than 9 million views.) If you can't see the video embedded above, please click here. To This Day actually serves as an extension of that video, which is embedded above. Of course, it includes Koyczan's heartfelt poem. But this time, its stanzas are set to animated clip variations randomly selected from the viral video. In case you're wondering about the name of the app, it's a phrase used in the poem to signify the lasting effect of bullying. In Koyczan's case, he relates in the poem how his schoolmates came to call him Pork Chop and how "to this day, I hate pork chops." "My experiences with violence in schools still echo throughout my life but standing to face the problem has helped me in immeasurable ways," says Koyczan on his official website. "I wrote To This Day, a spoken word poem, to further explore the profound and lasting impact that bullying can have on an individual," he adds. "Schools and families are in desperate need of proper tools to confront this problem. We can give them a starting point … A message that will have a far reaching and long lasting effect in confronting bullying." If you're wondering what else sets the app apart from its video counterpart, the following list of features may satisfy you in that regard:
  • animate the text using the devices accelerometer
  • share your favourite part via FaceBook, Twitter and email
  • option for users to record their voice
  • Cover Flow-like navigation
  • page swipe or tap for page turning
  • auto page turning option
  • poem presented in Spanish, French and English
Compatible with iPad running iOS 6.0 or later, To This Day is available now in the App Store for free. As always, if you have suggestions for Shelf Control, please feel free to email me at or simply leave a comment below. [gallery link="file" order="DESC"]

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