he App Store takes delivery of hundreds of new apps per day. The overwhelming scene makes it possible to easily overlook an exciting game, valuable productivity suite, etc. However, we have a solution. Today’s Best Apps tackles this problem by providing you with a handpicked and tested list of apps that are truly worth your consideration each and everyday.
Remember: Even though in-app purchases typically require your iTunes Store password for processing, you can further prevent them and other unauthorized actions by enabling local restrictions using the passcode locked iOS parental controls
GoldfrApp - Tales Of Us by Future Corp ($0.99, 8.8 MB): A clever play on words, this camera and photo editing app is inspired by and meant to bring the "Goldfrapp experience" of the English duo's upcoming dream pop album, Tales of Us. As you can see in the video for the album's intended single, Drew, the feel is old-fashioned with a monochrome tone and melding scenes, which is exactly what the app offers. To create the memory mixture, you select or shoot two photos that become overlapped and create a noir-type effect, such as your significant other's face mystically floating in the sunset. If you're undecided and feeling openly artistic, just shake your device and two photos will be chosen at random from the iOS camera roll. Despite how effective that simple action may be, the app also offers four enhancement and modification options to re-add the color, enhance the colors and tones, as well as swap image positions for an alternate emphasis. Once complete, export the compilation to the iOS camera roll, share it via Twitter and Facebook, send it through email, or even submit it to Goldfrapp for possible inclusion in a "unique audio-visual mixer" showcased on their website.

Aeroplanes by Victor Campeanu (Free, 12.8 MB): This high-flying Battleship variant will provide fun for nearly any member of the family. Like the classic board game, you don't know the opponent's unit positions, therefore, must initially select targets at random or construct a logical strike pattern for deduction. Of course, once a strike or two is made, picking follow-up target points that are successful becomes easier. However, here's where the similarities stop and things diverge a bit. Foremost, instead of firing at a fleet of various Navy vessels, players take turns strategically shooting at aircraft. Next, and far more intriguing, the assault objective isn't to strike every section but rather to aim for the nose / cockpit to take down each craft. The game features hand-drawn 2-D graphics, solo and online multiplayer modes, two AI skill levels, two difficulty levels through two aircraft size options, as well as Game Center leaderboards and achievements. Bing Wings, Advanced AI level, Game Center achievements, and support for multiple simultaneous online matches is unlocked via a $0.99 in-app purchase.