NBC's Breaking News + App Updated With iOS 7 Redesign And Personalization Options
November 5, 2013
NBC has just updated its popular breaking news app for iOS, Breaking News +, to version 3.0.
Breaking News + 3.0 features a revamped interface that is, of course, inspired by the look and feel of iOS 7, complete with flat UI elements and new swipe gestures.
But perhaps the more notable improvement brought about by the latest update to Breaking News + is support for personalization.
In the new version of the app, you can now personalize your Breaking News + experience by muting stories you don't want to see. Just tap on the no sign opposite a topic or tag to clear your feed of stories associated with the topic or tag.
You can now also get real-time push notification alerts for up to five of your favorite topics. To add a topic to your list of "alerted" topics, just tap the bell icon corresponding to the topic.
You can see your lists of muted and "alerted" topics in the app's sidebar, which you can reveal by swiping to the right.
Breaking News + 3.0 is available now in the App Store for free. The app is compatible with iPhone, iPod touch, and iPad running iOS 5.0 or later.
The newly updated app also lets you express interest or surprise about a story, without necessarily "liking" it, by tapping the "Whoa!" icon.
For more news apps for iOS, check out our iPhone News Apps and iPad News Apps AppGuides and our Apps For News Junkies AppList.
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