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Castro Wants To Become Your Favorite iPhone Podcast App

Castro Wants To Become Your Favorite iPhone Podcast App

December 10, 2013
Castro - High Fidelity Podcasts is a new app available for iPhone. The app offers a gesture-based podcast experience. Created by Supertop, the $2.99 app includes a number of tools that makes it unique, including full screen themes, fast search, and more. Other features include:
  • Episodes tab makes it easy to find the latest episodes of all your podcasts.
  • Innovative player controls, optimised for podcast listening.
  • Takes advantage of iOS 7's background features to keep your podcasts fully updated, even when you're not in the app.
  • Automatically downloads new episodes as they are published.
  • Instant, clear, notifications when new episodes come out.
  • Turn on News Mode to keep only the most recent episode of frequently updated podcasts.
  • Simple, well thought out settings.
  • Intelligent storage management — you set the size limit and Castro will delete old episodes as necessary to keep within it.
  • Supports streaming and offline playback.
  • Ability to play episodes without subscribing to the podcast.
  • 5 Playback Speeds.
We’re still in the process of looking at Castro and hope to offer a review soon. In the meantime, you can download the app by following this link. See also: Pod Wrangler's First Major Update Makes For Easy On-The-Go Podcast Listening, and Pocket Casts 4.2 Features 64-Bit Support And Other Notable Enhancements.

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Castro — High Fidelity Podcasts
Castro — High Fidelity Podcasts

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