Video Overview: MyGlass For iPhone Is Now Available In The App Store
by Dom Esposito
December 19, 2013
Google has relaunched its MyGlass app for iPhone. The Google Glass companion app recently made an appearance in the App Store, but it was taken down before many Glass owners had the chance to download it.
Prior to now, any Glass management had to take place through Google's MyGlass website or on an Android device. Unfortunately, the iOS app still lacks a couple of important features found in the Android version.
Glass owners still don't have the ability to respond to text messages and a Personal Hotspot connection is still required when using Glass outside of a Wi-Fi network. The good news is, MyGlass for iPhone brings native Glassware management, turn-by-turn navigation, and the Screencast feature found in the Android version.
It's very unfortunate that iPhone users are still required to use Personal Hotspot. That's one of my biggest complaints about Glass right now. Not only does it impact battery life, but some carriers require an additional monthly fee to activate Personal Hotspot. Hopefully, Google or Apple will resolve this issue in the future.
If you don't own Google Glass, it's a waste of time to download MyGlass, and if you do, make sure that you've updated to software version XE12 before downloading the free app. If you'd like to learn more about the MyGlass app for iPhone and how it compares to the Android version, we've put together a detailed video overview:
If you can't see the above video. please click this link.
Currently, Google Glass is only available via invite at a steep price of $1,500, but hopefully that price will come down when it's released to the public. For an in-depth look at Google Glass, check out our hardware/software video overview: