Get Chomping: Arcade Gaming Classic Pac-Man Goes Free As Apple's App Of The Week
January 10, 2014
This week, Apple is out to satisfy your hunger. Your hunger for pellets and ghosts, that is, as it has just chosen none other than Pac-Man as its free App of the Week.
Based on the 1980 arcade game developed by Namco, Pac-Man lets you play as the famously ravenous title character right on your iOS device.
Released on the day of the launch of the App Store itself, Pac-Man for iOS was updated to version 5.0 a month ago with Retina display support and eight new mazes, in addition to the classic coin-operated maze.
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Here's what Apple has to say about the game's selection as its App of the Week:
Each week, we select a great app and bring it to you, for free, as our App of the Week. (In-App Purchases sold separately.) More than 30 years after his arcade debut, gaming's hungriest hero is still chomping pellets and ghosts—this time on your iPad, iPhone, or iPod touch. Using simple swipe controls or a virtual joystick, guide him around the classic coin-op maze or one of eight gorgeous new mazes, each with a unique twist on the traditional playfield.Previously priced at $0.99, Pac-Man is currently available in the App Store for free. It's compatible with iPhone, iPod touch, and iPad running iOS 4.3 or later. [gallery link="file" order="DESC"]