Get Your Tickets Now For The Macintosh 30th Anniversary Event
January 9, 2014
The first Macintosh made its debut 30 years ago this month. To celebrate, All Planet Studios, the Computer History Museum, and Macworld/iWorld have announced a celebration event in Cupertino, California.
The “Mac 30th Celebration” is being held on Saturday, Jan. 25 at the Flint Center. This is the same location Steve Jobs introduced the world to the Mac on Jan. 24, 1984.
Daniel Kottke will be one of the main hosts of the event, with author Steven Levy, Randy Wigginton, George Crow, Rod Holt, Larry Tesler, Bill Fernandez, Bruce Horn, Ron Nicholson, Larry Kenyon, Jerry Manock, Donn Denman, Bill Bull, Martin Haeberli, Bryan Stearns, Bob Belleville, David Beaver, Sam Lyall, Carolyn Rose, Joe Sheldon, Debi Coleman, Brian Robertson, and Pamela Wyman making appearances along with other original Macintosh team members.
Ridley Scott, who created the iconic “1984” ad, is also expected to be in attendance.
The first-generation Mac included a 9-inch monitor, a keyboard, a mouse, and 128KB of built-in memory. It was priced at $2,495.
Tickets to the “Mac 30th Celebration” are currently on sale through Ticketmaster. VIP tickets are $140.80, with general admission tickets priced at $109.75. Proceeds after expenses benefit CoderDojo, an open source, volunteer led, global movement of free coding clubs for young people.
Here's a look back at Jobs introducing the Mac: