What's Your Sunlit Story? Share It Using This New App.net-Integrated Photo App
January 16, 2014
If you like the idea of keeping a journal based mainly on photos and you have an App.net account, make sure to check out the newly released Sunlit app by Riverfold Software.
Sunlit is a photo-based journal app that sets itself apart from most other apps of its kind with its tight integration with App.net. It syncs all of its data with App.net, using your private file storage on the social network. It also lets you invite any App.net user to collaborate with you on a Sunlit story.
What's a Sunlit story, you ask? Well, it's a combination of photos, location check-ins, and texts that can revolve around a trip, an event, or any collection of memories.
In creating a story in Sunlit, you can add photos from the built-in camera (with filters), your photo library, or Dropbox. You can also add check-ins with your current location or previous location check-ins saved from Ohai and Foursquare. Your check-ins and the geotags of your photos are then used by Sunlit to map your story.
Riverfold Software also notes:
One of the key difference between Apple’s shared Photo Streams and Sunlit is simple: words. Sunlit groups your photos by date, where you can type in a description to add details to the event. That’s why we call them stories.Stories in Sunlit are private by default, but they can be shared with specific people or published on the Web for everyone to see. Optimized for iPhone and iPod touch running iOS 7.0 or later, Sunlit is available now in the App Store for free. Note that the free app is limited to two stories only. To be able to create an unlimited number of Sunlit stories, you have to upgrade to the app's full version via a $4.99 in-app purchase. [gallery link="file" order="DESC"]