Cydia Tweak: Customize The Appearance Of The iOS Status Bar With StatusBarSuite
The iOS status bar is one of several constants which appear throughout Apple’s mobile OS, but if you’re not a fan of how the status bar is set up, a new jailbreak tweak can help. Called StatusBarSuite and available to download in the Cydia Store free of charge, the simple toggle-based package allows users to enable or disable individual icons in the iOS status bar.
After you’ve downloaded StatusBarSuite, a new preferences pane will appear in your built-in Settings app, and from here, the status bar customization can begin. As you can see in the below image, the toggles which feature in this preferences pane are: Hide Battery, Hide Carrier, Hide Time, Hide Bluetooth, Hide Bluetooth Battery, Hide LTE / Wi-Fi, Hide Signal Dots.
Each one does exactly what it says on the box, hiding (or unhiding) default icons from the iOS status bar.
This is a really simple jailbreak tweak, but it’s one that does precisely what it promises – and moreover, does it well. Though other iOS customization packages – like Springtomize 3, for example – provide users with a far more wide ranging selection of customization options, StatusBarSuite limits its focus to the iOS status bar, and (best of all) can be downloaded entirely free of charge.
This makes it a package worth checking out in our opinion. How do you like StatusBarSuite – is the iOS status bar on your list of features to “fix” in iOS 7?
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