![A letter from the AppAdvice editor-in-chief](https://wpuploads.appadvice.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/10/ipad-typing.jpg)
A letter from the AppAdvice editor-in-chief
Dear AppAdvice Readers,
I’ve been an AppAdvice writer for almost four years now, and the editor-in-chief for almost three. Most of you probably know me best from my home screen porn posts here on AppAdvice or just from the community. It’s possible I’ve told you to behave in the comments section once or twice (or more — you know who you are).
Not only is the AppAdvice staff family to me, but I feel like we’ve adopted a lot of the readers too. So, I wanted to take a moment to update you guys.
I’ve taken another position and, as of Saturday (Nov. 1), I will no longer be the editor-in-chief here at AppAdvice.
I guess I just couldn’t just disappear without letting all of you know. This community is very important to me and always will be. What I’ll remember most is how active, engaged, and passionate the AppAdvice community is: You. The readers. You’ve made this. And we wouldn’t be here without you. So, thank you.
I’ll still keep up with AppAdvice, of course, and maybe snark back at you in the comments now and then. So, don’t be surprised if you still see me around; it will just be in a different capacity.
Thanks for all of the memories, AppAdvice readers! It’s been swell. I’m honored to have been a part of this for so long, and to have worked with so many amazing people.
See you around.
Jamie Young, @atjamie