![AppAdvice for mobile: A new way to find Apple news and the best apps for your iPhone and iPad](https://wpuploads.appadvice.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/05/appadvice.jpg)
AppAdvice for mobile: A new way to find Apple news and the best apps for your iPhone and iPad
Last week, we offered an essay on the changing developer landscape and how it has affected AppAdvice. In this follow-up, we’d like to explain how to best experience our revamped beta site via an iPhone.
Within mobile Safari on your smartphone, go to our beta site. Next, click on the sharing icon at the bottom of the screen. Then select “Add to Home Screen.” Finally, click “Add.”
You will now have a shortcut on your iPhone for our new website. You can perform the same task from your iPad. From this link, you can enjoy all of the features from the site. Click “News” for links to Videos, Reviews, Games, Apps Gone Free, AppLists, AppGuides, Charts, and more. You also have your choice of formats, “day” or “night.”
We hope to officially debut the new AppAdvice website in the coming weeks. We hope you enjoy it.
For more on the changing landscape in mobile, click here.
For more, see: From GamingSOON: This week’s top 7 upcoming games you shouldn’t miss, This week in accessories: Cove Charging Station from Griffin Technology and more, and The 10 biggest technology stories this week: Apple Watch snafus, Hulu’s plans for ‘Fear The Walking Dead’ and the arrival of the LG G4.