Apple helps us celebrate Leap Day with 5 free apps
AppAdvice isn’t the only place celebrating today, Feb. 29, being a once-every-four-years event. Apple wants its customers to “Leap into Leap Year” with five apps that are free only on Leap Day. Let’s take a look at the free apps that you have to grab on Feb. 29 before their prices go back to normal.
An app for sketching
Regularly priced at $4.99, Tayasui Sketches+ is the premium version of the free software, with all in-app purchases added in. That means you get not only the mix of beauty, simplicity, and power of Tayasui Sketches to create drawings with pencil, watercolor brush, and felt pen, but you also get extra tools, layer support, and stylus pressure support.
Meditate, sleep, and relax more easily
This app, regularly priced at $2.99 on the App Store, is free for as long as Leap Day lasts. Windy ~ Sleep Relax Meditate with natural white noise sounds to calm your mind and focus was named a “Best of 2014” app, and it allows you to sleep, relax, meditate, and focus better by masking unwanted noise. Windy plays soothing high-quality winds recorded specifically for stereo headphones, helping to transport your mind to a place far away.
Physics-based cutting puzzler
Super Sharp is normally $1.99, but it’s free for Leap Day. This physics puzzler challenges you to cut with skill in order to complete each of the 120 levels, becoming a cut master.
Powerful video recording and editing
Normally $2.99, Spark Camera is free for a limited time for Leap Day. This app allows you to capture video or import them from your Camera Roll, creating stunning 1080p HD videos with high quality filters and musical backgrounds from your iTunes library. You can record, enhance, and share life’s best moments using Spark Camera.
Building fantastic bridges
Bridge Constructor, regularly $1.99, challenges you to prove yourself as an accomplished master bridge builder. It features 40 different levels, demanding you build bridges over deep valleys, canals, and rivers. Each bridge you build undergoes a virtual stress test to see if it meets the requirements for continual traffic.
What a great tribute to Leap Day
Each of these apps can enhance your collection of software for your iOS device in its own way. It isn’t often that Apple sets five apps free at the same time, so be sure to snag these deals while you can. The next such collection might be four more years in the making.