AppAdvice Daily: Microsoft Word On Your iPad And Movie Discovery Made Easy
We're checking out Microsoft Word on the iPad, and a new app that makes music discovery easier than ever, all on today's AppAdvice Daily.
We're checking out Microsoft Word on the iPad, and a new app that makes music discovery easier than ever, all on today's AppAdvice Daily.
Today's new games will keep you entertained throughout the weekend, so don't miss today's AppAdvice Daily.
We're getting artsy on today's AppAdvice Daily as we check out the Papernomad, the iDevice cover that's unique to each user.
We are showing off the awesome game previews we got at GDC, on today's AppAdvice Daily.
We are taking 3-D photos, and using our iDevices together in order to capture that perfect shot. We have two must have photography apps on today's AppAdvice Daily.
It's the beginning of the week, so let’s get productive with the best new apps.
Sherlock Holmes has never looked so good, and Bob from Surgeon Simulator has never looked so dead! We have the best new games of the week on today's AppAdvice Daily.
If you want a good laugh, check out today's AppAdvice Daily as Robin's pets take over for her.
We are testing out the Moto TC Rally, a race car controlled solely by your iDevice, on today's AppAdvice Daily.
If you loved the old game of Pong get ready for Chickie Bear, plus we'll be featuring Prism, and Jot - Refined Text Editor all on today's AppAdvice Daily.
Work out your aggression with our best new games of the week, we're featuring Smash Hit, and Glint on today's AppAdvice Daily.
Surgeon Simulator is the most disgusting new game on the App Store, and we're playing it live on today's AppAdvice Daily.
Not on the ground at SXSW for the iTunes Music Festival? No worries, you can stream the entire thing to your iDevice, or Apple TV using these apps.
You can stop asking when iOS 7.1 is coming, because it' s finally here, and we are checking out everything that's cool about it on today's AppAdvice Daily.
We have two hot new photography apps, and the chance to win a free download of Pixel Hunter, all on today's AppAdvice Daily.
On today's AppAdvice Daily, we are lighting it up with the best new games of the week, plus we have a giveaway for Vizzywig, a $30 movie making app.
Put on your helmet and grab your iPhone because we are getting sporty with new apps and accessories on today's AppAdvice Daily.
The Gmail app gets an update, turns out aluminum bumpers are not so bad, and we have an upcoming app to help you avoid awkwardness.
The IMGA nominee list has the best titles in gaming, we have a giveaway, and an awesome DIY iPad case from a viewer, all on today's AppAdvice Daily.
On today's AppAdvice Daily we are sharing our favorite new apps of the week, watch the show to get all the app action.
Get ready to shoot some bugs, before relaxing with a game disguised as a pop up book. We have the best new games of the week on today's AppAdvice Daily.
Looking for a new way to carry all of your gadgets? The Hercules backpack is a great way to do it. We're giving it a full review on today's AppAdvice Daily.
Yevvo is here and it's taking the vlogging world by storm. Watch today's AppAdvice Daily to see Yevvo in action.