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Best Apps For Writing Code

Write code from anywhere. This collection of apps will let you write code on your iPhone or iPad. The primary purpose is writing, not compiling, not learning, or distributing, just writing.

GoCoEdit - Code & Text Editor
Continuous .NET C# and F# IDE
Textastic Code Editor
Pythonista 3
Buffer Editor - Code Editor

Best Apps

Highest scored apps in the category

GoCoEdit - Code & Text Editor
GoCoEdit - Code & Text Editor


Christoph Gogolin

GoCodeEditor is a Code Editor optimized for fast opening and editing local and remote files (Dropbox, OneDrive, FTP, SFTP/SSH) on your iOS Device

GoCodeEditor is a Code Editor optimized for fast opening and editing local and remote files (Dropbox, OneDrive, FTP, SFTP/SSH) on your iOS Device.

• Sublime like Code-Editor!

• Universal App (use it on your iPad, iPhone & iPod Touch)

• iPhone X (s/s Max) support

• Full iPad Pro support (including smart keyboard support, shortcuts, split-screen multitasking)

• iPadOS Mouse & Trackpad

• NEW!...

Continuous .NET C# and F# IDE
Continuous .NET C# and F# IDE


Krueger Systems, Inc.

Continuous is a fast and powerful

Continuous is a fast and powerful .NET C# and F# IDE that runs directly on the iPad and iPhone (no network needed!). With it, you can write apps and games using your favorite languages on your favorite devices.

Continuous is always building and running your code so you can see changes as you type. Writing interactive apps in Continuous is a...

Textastic Code Editor
Textastic Code Editor

Textastic Code Editor

Alexander Blach

Textastic is a comprehensive and versatile text and code editor for iPad and iPhone

Textastic is a comprehensive and versatile text and code editor for iPad and iPhone. It supports syntax highlighting of more than 80 programming and markup languages. Connect to SFTP, FTP, and WebDAV servers or to your Dropbox account. Use the built-in SSH terminal to work directly on your server.

• Syntax highlighting of more than 80 languages: HTML, JavaScript, CSS, C++,...

Also Good

Apps with average score

CodeX - Code Editor
CodeX - Code Editor
CodeX - Code Editor

CodeX - Code Editor

Carbon Fiber Dev LLC

CodeX delivers a simple programming directly to you on your couch! CodeX is perfect to learn, relearn, or simple try a new programming language. We support all the favorites: C, C++, D, Haskell, Lua, Ocaml, Perl, PHP, Python, Ruby, Scheme, and TCL

• CodeX features an all new syntax...

Pythonista 3
Pythonista 3
Pythonista 3

Pythonista 3


Pythonista is a complete scripting environment for Python 3.10, running right on your iPad or iPhone, so you can develop and run Python scripts on the go.

Like Python itself, "batteries are included" – from popular third-party modules like requests, numpy, matplotlib, pandas (and many more) to modules that are tailor-made...

Buffer Editor - Code Editor
Buffer Editor - Code Editor
Buffer Editor - Code Editor

Buffer Editor - Code Editor

Blakzero Oy

Buffer Editor is a POWERFUL code and text editor that lets you easily develop software, view code or take notes on the go. Join thousands of coders who trust Buffer Editor for fast, powerful, and advanced code editing on mobile devices. Enjoy an editing experience that is both versatile and...

XNotePro editor for programs
XNotePro editor for programs
XNotePro editor for programs

XNotePro editor for programs


XNotepro is an editor that includes a lightweight Integrated Development Environment(IDE) for programming in C, Java, PHP, HTML, Python, Perl, and Pascal. Is is a remote access to the editor Geany. As such, it inherits its features:

- Syntax highlighting
- Code folding
- Symbol name auto-completion
- Construct completion/snippets
- Auto-closing of XML...



辉 马

iPyDE is a integrated python development environment for iPhone and iPad. Run code directly on your device and offline.


- Python3.11 with all standard libraries
- Builtin terminal with 100+ UNIX commands
- Run Python code locally
- Pip installation of pure Python libraries
- Run Jupyter Notebook locally
- Game develop with sdl2, pygame
- UI...

Python IDE
Python IDE
Python IDE

Python IDE


A quick, open source Python interpreter for the iOS platform.

Create and test Python on the go. Whether you're just learning, practicing or creating a tiny snippet for your new project, the Python IDE can help you with all of that.

Quickly test and run your code in the synthetic Python console....

Other Apps

Could be good for special cases



Nathaniel Herman

CodeToGo has now been used to run over one MILLION programs!

Write and run code in your favorite programming language, using your iOS device! Supports all iOS devices.

Just pick your language, write some code (with syntax highlighting for the most common languages), and run it. Each language has its own example "Hello World!" program for you to test.

CodeToGo gives you an API around, allowing you to run code in many different programming languages (on a Linux server) and get the results back.

IMPORTANT NOTE: Unfortunately, because you can't actually run code on the iPhone, you MUST have an internet connection to run the code! You can however write, save, and load code without a connection.

INPUT: CodeToGo also supports supplying input (ahead of time) for your program - Just hit the "Input (stdin)" tab to set the user input (separating each different input with a new line), then hit the code tab to go back to writing code.

Save and load your code - The current code for a given language is automatically saved for you, and you can also save and later load different files for each language. You can also save and load files from Dropbox, or transfer to and from your computer with iTunes File Sharing.

For faster programming, CodeToGo even adds an extra row of commonly used keys to the default keyboard. You can also customize this extra row by touching the "Settings" button at the top right of the initial language screen.

If you need to jump to a specific line in your program (the location of an error, perhaps), you can do that too! The "Goto line" button lets you type in a line number and jump to it.

And if you're doing web development, you can render the output of your program as HTML! After running your program, just hit the "Render as HTML" button to see what it would look like on a web page.

Full list of supported languages (and their corresponding extensions):
Ada (.adb) + syntax highlighting
Assembly (gcc - .s; nasm - .asm) + syntax highlighting
AWK (.awk) + syntax highlighting
Bash (.sh) + syntax highlighting
bc (.bc)
bf (.bf)
C (.c) + syntax highlighting
C99 Strict (.c) + syntax highlighting
C# (C Sharp - .cs) + syntax highlighting
C++ (.cpp) + syntax highlighting
C++0x (.cpp) + syntax highlighting
CLIPS (.cli)
Clojure (.clj)
COBOL (.cob)
COBOL 85 (.85.cob)
Common Lisp (.lisp) + syntax highlighting
D (.d) + syntax highlighting
Erlang (.hrl) + syntax highlighting
F# (.fs)
Factor (.factor)
Forth (.4th)
Fortran (.f) + syntax highlighting
Go (.go)
Groovy (.groovy)
Haskell (.hs) + syntax highlighting
HTML (.html) + syntax highlighting
Icon (.icn)
Intercal (.i)
Java (.java) + syntax highlighting
JavaScript (.js) + syntax highlighting
Lua (.lua) + syntax highlighting
Nemerle (.n) + syntax highlighting
Nice (.nice)
Nimrod (.nim)
Ocaml (.ml) + syntax highlighting
Oz (.oz)
Pascal (.pas) + syntax highlighting
Perl (Perl - .pl; Perl6 - + syntax highlighting
PHP (.php) + syntax highlighting
Pike (.pike)
Prolog (GNU -; SWI - + syntax highlighting
Python (Python - .py, Python3 - + syntax highlighting
R (.r) + syntax highlighting
Ruby (.ruby) + syntax highlighting
Scala (.scala) + syntax highlighting
Scheme (.scm)
Smalltalk (.st)
SQL (SQLite - .sql) + syntax highlighting
Tcl (.tcl) + syntax highlighting
Unlambda (.unl)
Visual Basic .NET (.vb)

Email comments, suggestions, bugs to nate AT pinkeh DOT com

Easy Pi Code Editor

Easy Pi Code Editor


Easy Pi Code Editor: An easy to use code editor designed for connecting to your Raspberry Pi style IoT device.

CREATE – Create and edit Python, Ruby, Perl and other code swiftly and simply. Syntax color highlighting makes it easy to read the code. Code Snippets enables swift and easy reuse of common code sections.

MANAGE - Quickly transfer files between your iPad and your Pi device. Save setup details for multiple devices and quickly test the SSH connection.

RUN - Execute your code on your device without the need to type any terminal commands. Simply select the file and press the Run button. Supported file types include Python, Ruby and Perl.

LEARN - Use the Reference and Tutorial section to learn about code with step by step instructions. Wiring diagrams and sample code included.

SHARE - Share your projects with friends with Air Drop, Dropbox and others.

* Compatible Devices include:- Raspberry Pi ( all versions ), C.H.I.P (Chip the $9 computer), Orange Pi, Banana Pi and most other linux based devices running SSH service. *



Yao Kun

TextCode is a text, code and markup file editor.


• GitHub Repository & Git
git clone (clone github repository to local).
git log.
git diff.
git add.
git reset.
git commit.
git push.

• Syntax Highlight
Highlights different types of files: AppleScript, C, C++, CSS, Fortran, Go, HTML, Java, JavaScript, LaTex, Lisp, Markdown, Objective-C, PHP, Pascal, Perl, Postscript, Python, Ruby, Rust, SCSS, SQL, Shell Script, Swift, VHDL, XML, YAML。

• Edit
Editing files with undo, redo, auto pairing and auto save.

• Find & Replace
Textual and Regular expression search and replace.

• Themes for Night Mode
TextCode includes a collection of themes, perfect for view source code at night.

• Zipping & Unzipping
Support zipping and unzipping .zip extension files.

• Markdown & Preview
Enjoy preview all markdown and html files.

• File Encoding

• Other Features
slide-over, line number gutter.