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Live Concert Show

For Concerts, Sports, Theater and More, Get Your Tickets Here

If you can purchase tickets to an upcoming event while sitting on the couch instead of standing in line, why not? For music concerts, sporting events, live theater, movie premieres, and local events, here are the apps you want to grab your tickets quickly and easily.

Rock Out at a Concert

If you are a concert-goer then you know how important it is to get tickets quickly for popular bands. See what’s on the way, check prices, view seating maps, and snag those tickets the minute they are available. These apps can help you move and groove to the music you love.

Songkick Concerts

This app helps you see your favorite bands and artists

Songkick Concerts

Track your favorite artists

For those who love going to concerts often.

If you are a frequent concert-goer, then you need Songkick Concerts. The app lets you find shows for your favorite bands and artists, and over time, the app will even give you recommendations on shows that you may like. If you can't make it to a show, no problem — you can browse the full schedule for the band and see what else is coming that is more convenient for you. Songkick Concerts also gives you the option to buy tickets directly in the app as well, even comparing ticket prices and seeing venue details, so you never miss a beat.

Why we love it

It's simple and easy to use, and lets you stay current on the shows for your favorite artists.

Bandsintown Concerts

Your town on bands

Bandsintown Concerts


For fun-seekers who love live music.

Bandsintown simplifies concert discovery by allowing you to track your favorite artists, receive alerts when they're touring near you, keep track of which shows you have RSVP’d to and share concert details with your friends. The concerts you RSVP to are then synced with your calendar, so you never miss another live show. This free app scans your music libraries in services like iTunes, Spotify, Rdio, Soundcloud and Google Play and searches your artist likes on Facebook and Twitter, to learn who you are as a fan and what artists to track. Our algorithm also suggests similar sounding artists, helping you discover new bands and DJ's who are coming to your town.

Why we love it

Bandsintown Concerts helps you easily find local concerts for the music you love.

Score Sports Tickets

When you want seats on the 50-yard line, near the dugout, or closest to mid-court, don’t delay. Find out when and where your favorite teams are playing and who they’re up against. Then, nab those tickets before they disappear with these awesome apps for sporting events.

Gametime - Last Minute Tickets

Gametime - Last Minute Tickets

Gametime United Inc.

For those who want a sporting event ticket app for the U.S. and Canada, plus a ticket selling feature.

With Gametime, getting seats for the big game, even at the last minute, is a breeze. Find the perfect seats and purchase tickets with two taps. You can use the comparison feature for prices versus the seat locations, text tickets to friends attending with you, or sell your own tickets if something pops up. Find tickets for your favorite team in the United States or Canada quickly.

Why we love it

Gametime is a great app for finding tickets to sporting events for your favorite teams in the U.S. or Canada.

Rukkus - Tickets Tonight

Rukkus - Tickets Tonight


For those who want a sporting event ticket app for the U.S. and Canada that supports Apple Pay.

Rukkus Tickets offers tickets for major sporting events in both the United States and Canada. Check out panoramic seat views, send your friends their tickets via text, and make your purchases easily with Apple Pay. The app also offers tickets for concerts and theater events with interactive seat maps.

Why we love it

If you want an app that searches 1,000 ticket sites for the best deal, take a look at Rukkus Tickets.

Live it Up with Live Theater

If live theater shows, musicals, and plays are what you love, then make sure you get the seats you want. Whether on Broadway or off, don’t let the curtain close on you. Find and buy tickets before the show sells out and you miss out.

TodayTix – Broadway Tickets

Get tickets to popular Broadway and Off-Broadway shows.

TodayTix – Broadway Tickets

TodayTix – Broadway Tickets

TodayTix, LLC

TodayTix lets you find tickets to theater shows in major cities. Sign up for alerts, get exclusive deals, and enter lotteries to win free tickets. See the best prices from an app that works directly with theater box offices.

Find Tickets to a Flick

You no longer have to waste time standing in line at the box office to see a movie. Get your tickets ahead of time and skip the line. These apps let you browse upcoming movies, see show times, and then buy your tickets in one shot.

Fandango - Get Movie Tickets

Never miss your next screening when you buy ahead.

Fandango - Get Movie Tickets

The spotlight is on

For those who prefer to buy their tickets ahead of time and be prepared.

Fandango does have some cool features not offered in other apps. You have the option of opening a Fandango account, which allows you to purchase your tickets right from your phone (if available at your theater). You can browse showtimes by movie or theater, rate movies, and even create a wish list of movies that you want to see. Fandango will then notify you when they start playing at a theater near you. Sadly there are small banner ads, even a few pop-ups, and Fandango does load slower than the essential apps.

Why we love it

It's easy to purchase your tickets ahead of time and then skip the lines at the box office. A must-have for all moviegoers.

Atom - Movie Tickets & Times

Atom - Movie Tickets & Times

Atom Tickets, LLC


For those who want a movie ticket app with options for inviting friends and buying tickets separately.

With Atom – Movie Tickets and Showtimes, you can plan your entire movie night out. Find your film, purchase tickets, pre-order snacks (at select theaters), and invite friends. The app supports both Apple Pay and PayPal, so you and your pals can pay together or separately. Atom lets you skip the lines and the loans when movie night arrives.

Why we love it

Atom – Movie Tickets and Showtimes is an easy-to-use app for planning movie nights with friends.

Explore Events Around You

When you want to have some fun at a local fair or festival, check out your options and get tickets. Apps that show you the happenings around town make it easy to plan a date, night out with friends, or family day.


Discover local events and fun things to do near you.




Find something new to do -- concerts, festivals, classes, conferences, free events and more -- right in the palm of your hand. Eventbrite helps you find local, popular events as well as tickets and event recommendations.

Get Tickets to Anything, Anywhere

If you enjoy many types of events – concerts, sports, and theater – grab an app that helps you get tickets to them all. These terrific options let you find the right event, at the ideal time, and in the perfect spot. Then, just buy your tickets and go.

StubHub: Event Tickets

StubHub: Event Tickets

StubHub Inc.

For those who want a ticket app for many event types with support for Apple Pay and Apple Wallet.

With StubHub, you can plan ahead or get last-minute tickets to sporting events, concerts, and shows. Look for events by category, check out artist and venue details, and enjoy interactive maps with virtual views for select locations. The app offers Apple Wallet, Apple Pay, and Apple Watch support, making it easy to find and purchase the tickets you want.

Why we love it

StubHub makes locating and purchasing tickets a breeze. Find a game, check out a concert, and head to the theater with tickets from a single app.

SeatGeek - Buy Event Tickets

SeatGeek - Buy Event Tickets

SeatGeek, Inc.

For those who want a ticket app for various event types with options to sell or send tickets to friends.

SeatGeek offers tickets for music concerts, sporting events, and Broadway shows in one convenient spot. Check out the deals, personalized recommendations, and views from the seat you choose. You can also sell tickets you have or send them to a friend for free. Keep track of your favorite artists, sports teams, and shows so you are always in-the-know for a new event.

Why we love it

The next time you are shopping for tickets to a game, show, or concert, check out SeatGeek for great deals and a simple checkout process.