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4 Reasons Why You Need to Pre-Order Rocky Rampage: Wreck ‘em Up

January 31, 2020

We reckon Rocky Rampage: Wreck ‘em Up has a shot at being the next big casual gaming sensation.

While it looks vaguely familiar on the surface, with its smartphone-friendly cartoon visuals and side-scrolling stages, it boasts a gameplay mechanic that we’ve never encountered before.

In a nutshell, it involves rolling. You play as Boulder Cobblestone, a deeply fashionable rock-based organism whose wonderpants have been stolen by the envious Empress Clipper, ruler of the Scissor Empire.

To retrieve your wonderpants you need to, well, catch up with your enemies. This feat is easier said than done for a boulder – albeit a boulder with the ability to jump.

Each round sees you being propelled through the air by a helpful giant boar and trying to get as far as you can with the aid of bombs, animal companions, and various other boosters.

The hook is in the progression loop. With each turn you accumulate gold to spend on upgrades, and as you level up you gain access to new gameplay features, meaning you’re constantly getting further and further, and there’s just enough of a skill element to make you feel awesome when you pull off a record-breaking run.

Rocky Rampage isn’t out yet on iOS, but you can pre-order the game on the App Store and even check out a pre-release build on Android. Here are four reasons why you should do just that.



Getting in early on a mobile game doesn’t always come with tangible rewards, but Rocky Rampage developer Joyseed Gametribe wants every one of its early bird players to feel valued.

That’s why it’s giving away a Chest Transmutation upgrade to everybody who pre-registers on Android – with the rewards for iOS users to be confirmed. What’s so great about Chest Transmutation? Well, it transmutes every chest you acquire into a golden chest, granting you additional gold every time. It’s the gift that literally keeps on giving.

User Feedback Could Make it into the Final Game

User Feedback Could Make it into the Final Game

Feedback is important to the Joyseed Gametribe team, and they’re taking all user feedback on the title as we write these words.

If user ideas are sensible – and we’ve every reason to suppose they will be – that feedback could inform the development process, and you could experience something many hundreds of contributed to.

User Feedback Could Make it into the Final Game

User Feedback Could Make it into the Final Game

Feedback is important to the Joyseed Gametribe team, and they’re taking all user feedback on the title as we write these words.

If user ideas are sensible – and we’ve every reason to suppose they will be – that feedback could inform the development process, and you could experience something many hundreds of contributed to.

Boulder Cobblestone Needs His Pants

Boulder Cobblestone Needs His Pants

In all the excitement it’s easy to forget that right now, as you read these words, Boulder Cobblestone is bereft of his wonderpants. The Empress Clipper nicked them.

Knowing that, can you really just sit back and leave him to his fate? We didn’t think so.

Get in on the Fun Early

Get in on the Fun Early

The single most important reason to pre-order Rocky Rampage is that you’ll be among the first to try out the finished version when it goes live.

Like the best casual games, Rocky Rampage is accessible yet deep, with a gameplay loop that hooks you in for go after go after go. If you’re in the market for a new casual time-sink, you’ve just found it.

And if you pre-order the game right now on the App Store you’ll get a notification when the final version lands.