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appadvice podcast episode 26 available on iTunes

AppAdvice Podcast Episode 26: Battle Reveals Enlightenment on 'iPhone 8'

July 11, 2017

Join us this week as we battle titans, warlocks, and traps in our quest to get a $1200 iPhone on the AppAdvice Podcast Episode 26.

Summer is upon us with a little bit of a slow down in the news cycle. That didn’t stop of us from finding some interesting Apple and app topics to talk about on episode 26 of the AppAdvice podcast. This week, we discuss the latest iPhone rumors, a photo editing sequel, an arena based platformer, a large scale real time strategy game, a cute puzzle platformer, a deluxe 3D platformer, and more.

iTunes Link

We hope you enjoy the AppAdvice Weekly podcast, and are excited to see it each and every week. You can find the podcast here, or on iTunes. Please leave a review in iTunes, if you’re enjoying what you’re listening to.

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